Want to set yourself up for success this year? Find out your HealthType’s hack for success in this series on what to focus on so you know you’re doing what’s right for you.
Trying to set yourself up for a good year can be overwhelming, and if you’ve tried and failed in the past, it can be really disheartening. Much of the marketing around this time can really play into feelings of guilt of not being fit / thin / sexy / successful enough.
But – you don’t need a “new you” for the new year. There’s nothing “not enough” about you.
You are unique. Your healthy is unique to you. Set yourself up for success in a way that works with, not against, your uniqueness.
You already have the tools for success. Your own personal set of gifts and strengths, your genius. Each of the Health Types has a unique way of achieving success, a foundational aspect of your life that everything else builds on.
Diplomats, your success flows from feeling secure in your time and space. Creating the conditions that make you feel safe, steady and in control of what matters to you will allow your mind and body to flow into its healthiest state.
Of course, you cannot control everything. But you can influence many of your epigenetic factors to work in your favour. This will trigger your genes to respond with health and vitality, and to switch off stress responses in your body and mind.
When you’re feeling ready, try out some of these ideas and see how you respond…
– Craft a gentle morning ritual. Even if work or family commitments put pressures on your time, use your powerfully creative mind to plan a routine that gives you the feeling of starting slow, in your own time and space. Meditation, deep breathing, stretching, a soothing warm drink, and time in nature will all help establish a supportive epigenetic environment as you wake up gently.
– Plan to face known higher intensity tasks in the afternoon. Both your body and mind are at their peak later in the day, so influence your schedule as much as you can to move anything that is a stress or pressure to this time e.g strong exercise, or important meetings.
– Delegate and ask for help. As is your natural gift, you probably carry a lot for your family, friends and colleagues. But it can take a toll. Share your wishes to regain more of your own time & space, allow yourself that assertiveness, and set up ways of sharing the load. Those who have received so much from you will be glad to give back in return.
– Make your home your beautiful sanctuary. Redecorate, bring in plants, meaningful objects, pleasurable aromas and physical comforts. Remove anything that has been niggling at you, or inconveniencing you. Make your space somewhere that gives you pleasure, where you can release any tension.
– Start when you’re ready. You don’t have to jump into new plans all at once. Start with what feels good – maybe you’re feeling really confident about a Personalised Detox with all its group support, but haven’t found an exercise class you’re comfortable in yet. That’s ok. Your body responds when your mind is on board, and your mind gets on board when you’re feeling good about it.
Not sure some of these are right for you, or want more details? The most personalised and precise advice you will get is in your ph360 profile. It’s tailored to your complete uniqueness, far beyond just your HealthType.
Spend some time exploring your profile, even if you have before (as you might find fascinating changes). Start with Place, in your Lifestyle section, to find the most relevant explanations of your ideal epigenetic environment, and specific tips for implementing it.
A personalised health coach can be a huge help in guiding you through your profile, and assisting you to implement strategies in your daily life without overwhelm. They can give you the time and attention you deserve, especially if you encounter challenges along the way.
Whatever you choose to do this year, do it on your terms. Do it because you want to, because it makes you feel good. Live your unique health in your unique way, and experience the deep strength and vitality of your mind and body.
I hope you have the wonderful and rewarding year that you desire!
To work 1:1 with Nat, Personalised Communication, Behaviour & Relationships coach, click here.
Follow Nat on her Facebook page
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