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I cannot count how many people have told me that they plan on starting ph360 as soon as the new year comes.  My answer to them is simply, “Why wait to start taking care of yourself?”

The holidays can be a tough time for everyone when it comes to maintaining good, healthy habits.  There’s the stress of shopping, holiday parties, incredible feasts planned, Starbucks’ Gingerbread Latte, more holiday parties, etc.  With so many temptations and so little time, it can seem impossible to find a balance.

With ph360, maintaining or reaching your healthy goals is possible! We need to remember that even though a particular food or treat is listed as a food to avoid, it may help us emotionally on occasion.  Here are some tips that I have used to get through the holidays:

Plan your treats: Decide what you cannot live without.  Do you really need that latte?  Is is the peppermint bark that makes you feel in the mood for the holidays?  Whatever it may be, pick only what you cannot do without (and you can’t pick everything!).  I sit down and do this on a FULL stomach before I go to the party, or shopping, or to that dinner. Once you are at your event, allow yourself this one treat, and then stick to your food plan for the rest of the day and party.  I also limit my treat days to one day a week this time of year (I am in maintenance mode but I am still pretty strict). I have friends that allow 2 days through this time of year.

Pack healthy snacks: I keep almonds and fruit with me at all times.  When I feel like pigging out, I just tell myself to eat fruit or nuts first.  It does the trick every time.  I am never hungry enough at that point to eat food that is not good for my health. Choose the right snack for you – maybe it’s homemade chia crackers or carrot sticks or a smoothie – and have it on hand!

Eat a big bowl of your top vegetables before you go out to dinner or to a party. You’ll feel less inclined to indulge and more inclined to make better choices. Maybe you can try the item on the menu you’ve always wanted to try but never thought would be satisfying enough?

Move in the morning. Whether it’s an intense workout or a walk in the fresh air, choose the right type of movement for your body and make it happen. Aside from the fact that your body will love the extra oxygen and circulation, you’ll also have to get dressed and up and about! Then you’ll be ready for the day ahead!

Celebrate your achievements: I am less likely to eat unhealthy food when I feel good about my accomplishments.  If I am having a bad or stressful day, taking the time to remind myself of how well I have done actually keeps me on track. Is it the same for you? Or maybe you just like to celebrate and are not too fussed about tracking your goals? Whether you use your celebrations as a reward for what you’ve done or as a reward to keep going – it doesn’t matter – just add a little more enjoyment to your day!

Keep your goal in mind: Maybe your goal is to shop for new clothes, or maybe it’s to be able to finish a project for a loved one, or perhaps even just to feel good. Whichever goal you have, remember that the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll achieve it! Just think, if you start before the holidays, you could be shopping for new clothes in the January sales instead of just getting started!

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