Want to be vegetarian? Go for it. But if you go around telling everyone that all meat causes cancer, that’s an unreliable statement to make.
Want to eat raw? Do it. But if you start spreading the word that all cooked foods are deteriorated and empty of nutritional value, that’s an irresponsible move on your part.
Here are 5 reasons why such sweeping statement pose a danger. You may very well be:
- Getting nutrition information that’s not suited to your personal health needs.
- Working too hard on your diet and exercise regime and not reaping the benefits.
- Thinking you should avoid a certain food when your body actually needs it.
- Making yourself crazy trying to make sense of contradicting nutrition and diet information out there.
- Making your health worse with your well-intentioned efforts.
Here’s how you can overcome these dangers:
Science doesn’t lend itself to sweeping conclusions that apply to everyone and everything easily and it shouldn’t be used that way. Science is a slow and rigorous process that is full of complexities when trying to create ideal research conditions to make conclusions and should be retested often before factual statements can be made. The scientific process doesn’t necessarily lend itself well to producing regular and newsworthy in-the-moment headlines that catch our attention and inspire us to read on.
When it comes to making important decisions about your health because of an existing health condition or one you’re trying to prevent, it’s important to go far beyond what’s newsworthy and delve deep into the research. For many people, delving this deep into scientific, complicated, and often contradictory research can be overwhelming. After all, scientific “fact” is always changing with new discoveries and with the realization that findings considered factual apply to some people more than others. Even if you are a doctor, nutritionist or other health practitioner, making decisions regarding healthy eating is rarely a clearly-paved road.
So what do you do?
Learn to trust the sources that have dedicated themselves to clarifying the complicated and often contradictory information out there. Two health platforms that delve deep into scientific research for you so you don’t have to are Personal Health 360 (ph360) and its evolution ShaeTM. Backed by decades of research, these platforms make entirely different recommendations for each of its users. Because there is no one, simple, sweeping health solution for everyone.
ph360 examines all health science news and discoveries from various angles and incorporates it into its complex algorithms to provide a unique protocol specifically matching the needs of your own body. No more thinking that spinach is a superfood only to learn that its oxalate content is affecting your kidneys in not such a super way. No more wondering if all the benefits of coconut oil apply to you. No more struggling to have yogurt every day to maintain a healthy gut only to find out it’s best for you in moderation amidst other sources of probiotics.
Each one of us is unique. Each one of us has different biological needs and physical trouble spots. There are so many personal factors that need to be considered in determining what’s right for you. Standardized protocols and generalized statements don’t equal true health. Health is personalized and our health choices should be too.
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